Everything CCSS “I Can” for K – 8 Grades

Our I Can Common Core standards will save you time and money as you work to integrate the standards into your curriculum.

I Can Common Core Statements

This is another free resource for teachers from The Curriculum Corner.

You will find links to our FREE I Can Common Core statements farther down in this post. This is the most current set of our statements.

As the original writers of the I Can Common Core statements, we felt it was important to rewrite our statements to spiral between grade levels.

We wanted to make our statements a set that could be adopted by an entire school.

We felt that consistency in language and progress through the standards was very important in updating our content.

Find out about the history and changes we have made to our statements throughout the years.

Why we wrote our I Can Common Core Statements

When the Common Core standards were first released, we found that they were not very teacher friendly. As a result, it was difficult to take a quick glance at the standards and integrate them into planning.

In addition, it was even more difficult for students to understand expectations.

We felt that there was a need for a system that would make it easier for students to use the standards as a guide for planning.

As a result, we created our first set of I Can Common Core standards.

We have found that these can be useful to students who are learning English and also very useful to parents. It can be difficult for parents to support their children if they do not understand the goal.

How our I Can Common Core Statements have changed since the original

We are often asked why we have changed our original “I Can” Common Core statements.

This change occurred for two reasons.

  1. First, there have been significant changes to the first set of CCSS standards that were published. Because of this, we felt that our resources needed an update. The old version of our standards now do not contain the correct standards.
  2. Second, after spending time looking at our first set of “I Can” statements, we felt that they could be reworded to better spiral between grade levels. We hope you find these new resources useful!

Along with updating our I Can Common Core standards, we have also worked to include a wider range of materials within each grade level set. We know that teachers have different needs when it comes to how you track and display standards in your classroom.

Currently we do not have plans to add to this collection or to make changes. However, this decision is based on current classroom needs.

If you see a gap in our resources or a need for something new, please send us a message to let us know. If there are many requests for a specific resource, it is possible that we will choose to add the item to our creation list.

I Can Common Core Statements

Keep reading below to go to the I Can Common Core resources available for each grade level.

Within each post you will find a wide variety of resources. We have worked to include a range so that you can find items that you need for your classroom.

Also available are our I Can Common Core statements translated into Spanish for many grade levels.

Within each grade you will find checklists, posters, student checkboxes, individual statements and more!