
We encourage families to seek advice from our qualified staff about guidance and discipline methods. We encourage families to attend workshops offered by our daycare on child development and parenting. We are committed to working with families and to enhancing knowledge of child development.


The intent of discipline is to help children become self-disciplined as they learn appropriate and acceptable behaviour patterns. Discipline involves a continuous process of guiding behaviour and is offered while appropriate behaviour is occurring, as well as before, during and after inappropriate behaviour is displayed. The goal is to assist children in developing respect, self- control, self-confidence and sensitivity in their interactions with others.

Staff, students and volunteers will not:

For the purpose of punishment, restrain a child

Staff is expected to provide positive prevention and intervention guidance strategies.

The following Intervention strategies may be used by staff to ensure that guidance is supportive.

In rare situations where a child’s loss of control and the ability to reason causes him/her to become a safety hazard to him/her or others, a staff may assist the child in re-establishing control through use of holding techniques. At this time staff member can hold child with just sufficient strength to protect the child or other children. The intent of this strategy to soothe and calm the child and to keep them and others safe until self- control is regained. Behavioural concerns will be documented as they occur in a book which is designated to each child. Patterns of behaviour will be documented so we can have a clear understanding of what is causing these behaviours. If these behaviours continue then a ABC chart will be used to see what the antecedent is and what the behaviour of the child looks like and lastly what was the consequence of child’s behaviour. By recording this information we will be better equipped to see what steps can be taken to help the child succeed in their day to day interactions in the daycare. Families will be involved if behaviour management issues arise and together we can come up with a plan that will work to help the child feel more comfortable and happy while in daycare. There are many options that can be applied to improve a child’s behaviour (reward chart, the child is working towards something they enjoy and will collect stamps or stickers throughout the day to achieve their goal through positive behaviours) this will give the child a say in how good their day can be. Ultimately we as childcare providers want a child in our care to be happy and learn with their peers.

Health Safety and Nutrition:


Our Childcare is designed to ensure it is a safe, comfortable environment that will accommodate the abilities and needs of all children. Our goal is to promote good health, safety and nutrition. Eating nutritious food is an important part of each child’s day. Food provided by the daycare will be selected in accordance with Canada’s Food Guide requirements. Lunch and snacks will be provided by the parent/guardian. I will provide fresh water for the children and fruits and vegetables will be provided occasionally.

Daycare staff will provide:

Allergies/Medical conditions:

Please inform staff of any food restriction/allergies or medical conditions your child may have. As part of the registrations requirements, all students must have a completed medical form attached to their personal file.


In the event of illness, we ask that your child not be sent to the daycare. Please do not send your child to daycare if any of the following conditions are present:

In the event of a communicable illness, contagious skin infections or scabies your child must remain at home until the appropriate treatment has been administered and the child is free from any signs of infection. The child will be welcomed back to the centre with medical permission from a doctor. If illness occurs while the child is in daycare then the following steps will be taken.

Prevention of future outbreak:

I am trained in basic first aid and am able to attend to minor accidents. If the nature of the injury is more serious, a child will be attended to by proper medical authorities and the parents will be contacted immediately.


If your child requires prescription medication to be administered during class time, bring the medication to the centre. Complete a Medication Administration Permission Form with a staff member. Medication is not accessible to children. All medications will be stored in locked container in the classroom or in refrigerator depending upon storage instructions on the label. All medication must be provided in the original container and be labelled with the child’s name.

Non-Prescription and Prescription:

Administration of medications in childcare is regulated by the Child Care Regulations. This policy protects children, parents and staff. Early Childhood Educators or childcare staff are not formally qualified to make “judgement calls” as to when medications are appropriate. Only medication prescribed by a doctor will be administered.

Name of medication

Route (oral, nasal, rectal, eye, ear or injection)

Physician’s name Care of medication (shake well, refrigerate)

Date to end administration of medication


The ministry of Health recommends that children receive their immunizations. Please attach a copy of your child’s immunization records with completed registrations forms.

Bright Horizons Childcare is required by the Child Care Regulations to keep and up-to-date copy of each child’s immunization record in case an outbreak should occur.

  1. Upon enrollment the daycare staff will ask for a current immunization record for every child.
  2. If a parent has decided not to have their child inoculated, the following procedures then apply:

The parent will provide a signed and dated letter stating that they have chosen not to immunize their child and that they understand the importance of immunizations, side effects and dangers of not being immunized. If an outbreak occurs, the parent will be asked to remove the non-immunized child from the daycare until it has been determined that the child’s health is no longer at risk.

Screen Time:

Screen time is limited to 30 minutes or less for children who are aged two and over. Screen time is not offered to children two and under.

Active Play:

Toddlers and preschoolers should accumulate at least 180 minutes of physical activity spread though out the day. Children 5 and older should accumulate at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily.

Length of program compared to the amount of physical activity time

1-2 hours – 20 minutes of active play

2-3 hours – 30 minutes of active play

3-4 hours – 40 minutes of active play

Most days I will have the children playing outside so they can get the recommended active play time but there will be days where weather does not permit us to head outsides. In these rare occasions I will set up a couple of stations outside our main door which is covered where the children can still be outside getting fresh air without being affected by the weather. Activities may include but are not limited to drawing with chalk on cement, playing with different toys (basketballs, soccer balls), we can blow bubbles, hula hooping and we can also still do active play inside. Some of the things we can do inside are an obstacle course, even bring the hoops inside, bean bag toss, some stretching that we will all do together and we can also do some dancing with music on. All these activities allow for movement and exercise which is great for children to burn off some energy.

Fundamental gross motor skills are important because they are the foundation movements for more complex and specialized skills needed by children throughout their lives to competently and confidently play different games, sports and recreational activities. These skills include:

Coordination skills this involves gross motor manipulation of objects – catching, throwing or kicking a ball or beanbag; scarf tossing.

Loco motor skills – running, jumping, hopping, galloping, skipping and leaping.

I will also have some facilitated play which is play that is directed by adults/employees and has a set of rules with specific objects. Many games fall under this category, such as card games, board games, organized sports such as soccer, hockey, and tennis are some examples. Licensee/employee led games such as Simon says, follow the leader, tag or duck duck goose are also some facilitated activities that we will take part in.

Release of Children:

A child will be released only to the parent or his/her legal guardian unless otherwise indicated on the registration form.

  1. The staff must be notified in writing of any alternate arrangements.
  2. Picture identification will be required if that person is not known to the daycare staff.
  3. Children will not be released to anyone under the age of 12.
  1. Calmly state the daycare’s release of children policy
  2. Ensure all children and staff are safe
  3. Contact custodial parent
  4. Call RCMP if parent tries to leave with the child


If a parent/guardian or emergency contact who appears to be intoxicated arrives at the daycare to pick up a child. The daycare staff will not release the child.

Daycare staff will:

Reportable Incidents:

Daycare personnel will adhere to Childcare Licensing Regulations. Note that an incident must be reported when a reportable incident has occurred, when abuse or neglect may have occurred, or when a person in care has witnessed a reportable incident. Child care licensees must report when a child is involved or may have been involved in a reportable incident while in care.

Aggressive or unusual behavior, attempted suicide, choking, death, disease outbreak or occurrence, emergency restraint, emotion abuse, fall, food poisoning, medication error, missing wandering person, motor vehicle injury, neglect, other injury, physical abuse, sexual abuse, unexpected illness.

When abuse is disclosed by a child a parent or another individual it must be reported to the Ministry of Family and child development.

Note conversation and important information that is being disclosed.

File incident report and submit it. Drop of yellow copy for licensing officer and make sure to make contact with the officer within 24 hours of disclosure.

Keep notes in log book and a copy of the incident report in child’s files which are located in a safe locked place in daycare.

If abuse is suspected of a staff member or volunteer then the same procedure must be followed.

Document the reasons for allegations towards individual who is being suspected of the abuse.

Fill out incident report and contact licensing officer.

Once The Ministry has been notified the individual who is being suspected must be spoken to and informed of the allegations. They are not to be in the daycare until the investigation against them is complete and they are cleared to return to work.

Child Abuse staff responsibilities:

  1. Call the police or Ministry for Children and Family Development to report any child that looks like they have been abused, mentally, physically or emotionally.
  2. Document the reasons why you felt you had to make the call.
  3. Do not contact the parents of the child you have concerns about.
  4. Document incident on reportable incident form.
  5. Report incident to Fraser Health Licensing officer within 24 hours.
  6. Yellow copy of report can be faxed to Licensing officer.
  7. The original report must be dropped off to the licensing office as soon as possible.
  8. File a copy with the child’s information.

Walks and Field Trips


The daycare will take the children off premises for walks or field trips. Bright Horizons will inform parents a head of time about field trips.

  1. First-Aid Kit and emergency cards with updated information and photo of the child will be brought on all field trips or walks.
  2. Access to a working telephone must be available.
  3. An emergency plan must be developed prior to field trip. All staff must be familiar with the emergency plan. All emergency plans should contain the telephone numbers of parents, ambulance, as well as what actions are to be taken in the event of an emergency.
  4. A signed informed consent form must be received from the parent/guardian.

Release of Children


A child will be released only to the parent or his/her legal guardian unless otherwise indicated on the registration form.

  1. The staff must be notified in writing of any alternate arrangements.
  2. Picture identification will be required if that person is not known to the daycare staff.
  3. Children will not be released to anyone under the age of 12.
  1. Calmly state the daycare’s release of children policy
  2. Ensure all children and staff are safe
  3. Contact custodial parent
  4. Call RCMP if parent tries to leave with the child

Missing Child:


In the event of a missing child from the daycare, the daycare staff will remain calm and follow the procedure below.

If a child goes missing:

Emergency Transportation and Medical Attention


For children who require immediate medical attention, staff will call emergency services to respond.

  1. Staff at Bright Horizons Childcare will phone for emergency transportation and/or medical attention when they deem it necessary for a child or children in their care.
  2. The staff at Bright Horizons Childcare will then call parents or emergency contacts to inform them.

Closing and Discharge


Bright Horizons Childcare requires two weeks written notice for a child to be withdrawn from the daycare. Please use the form attached to the application package. Discharge procedure will be used for every child discharged.

Children will be discharged for the following reasons:

Discharge notification form will be filled out on all children being discharged from the daycare.

Clothing and Possessions


As the children participate in a variety of indoor and outdoor play activities each day, it is helpful if your child wears washable, comfortable clothing that is appropriate for the weather.


For Infants, please provide:

For toddlers, please provide:



Fees are to be paid within 5 business days of the first day of each month or if applying for Child Care Subsidy; it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to fulfill all the requirements of the Child Care Subsidy Branch to maintain the daycare subsidy. If not eligible for full subsidy, the parent/guardian is responsible for the fees. Fees are based on enrolment not attendance (NO fee decreases for sick/missed days or statutory holidays).


  1. If the parent/guardian becomes ineligible for any subsidy, they will be responsible for paying the full monthly fee.
  2. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to keep all information (i.e.: relationship status, work/school status, reason for care, address, phone number etc….) current with the Child Care Subsidy Branch and Bright Horizons Childcare.
  3. Parents are responsible for the parent portion of fees that is not covered by subsidy and will be billed monthly for these fees.
  4. Monthly fees must be paid within the first 5 business days at the beginning of each month.
  5. If fees are outstanding after the first 5 business days of the month the child will not be accepted at the daycare on the 6 th business day or any other day until the fees are paid in full.
  6. If parent/guardian is eligible for subsidy they must provide Bright Horizons Childcare with copies of application and supporting documents. Subsidy acceptance letter must be received by Bright Horizons Childcare prior to attendance.
  7. Renewal of subsidy must be started at the beginning of the month that subsidy expires and copies of forms must be kept on file until acceptance letter is received.
  8. If parents wish to start their child before subsidy acceptance a cheque for the month will be needed. The parent will be reimbursed their fees when subsidy is received.



Regular attendance at the Daycare is extremely important for your child to settle in well. Routine becomes a part of your child’s day. You are welcome to visit your child in the daycare at any time.


Parents will:


Upon arrival, parents must:


Upon departure, parents must:

Daycare staff will:

Late and Pick up


It is your responsibility to pick up your child on time. Although allowances will be made for emergencies, a parent who picks up their child after the scheduled pick-up time will be charged a late fee of $10.00 for every 15 minutes late. Transportation to and from Bright Horizons Childcare is the responsibility of each parent. If you have transportation difficulties, please notify staff immediately.

Children must be picked up within 30 minutes of the posted closing time.


  1. Staff will make all attempts to call contact numbers including emergency contact numbers.
  2. If staff are not successful in contacting anyone authorized to pick up they will call the Ministry for Children and Family Development and the child will be released into the Ministry.
  3. Bright Horizons Childcare staff will not take a child home.
  4. The incident will be documented and added to their next month’s billing.



Pictures taken in the daycare will be for the enjoyment of the program participants, and for program promotion as needed. A consent form must be signed by the parent prior to the child being photographed.


Each parent will be asked if photos can be taken for their child. A photo consent form will be given to each parent.



Bright Horizons Childcare supports an “Open Door” communication policy


  1. Parents are welcome to drop in and observe the program at any time. If consultation with a child care provider is desired, please let us know ahead of time so that the child care provider can give you their undivided attention.
  2. Telephone communication is encouraged.
  3. Parents can expect ongoing communication with staff concerning

Their child’s progress

  1. Parents are asked to make themselves familiar with the Parent Handbook which states the Daycare Policies and Procedures which apply to:

The care of the children

  1. Parents concerned with the care of their child, or any incidents at the daycare are urged to speak with the child care provider.



Bright Horizons Childcare supports an “Open Door” communication policy


  1. Parents are welcome to drop in and observe the program at any time. If consultation with a child care provider is desired, please let us know ahead of time so that the child care provider can give you their undivided attention.
  2. Telephone communication is encouraged.
  3. Parents can expect ongoing communication with staff concerning

Their child’s progress

  1. Parents are asked to make themselves familiar with the Parent Handbook which states the Daycare Policies and Procedures which apply to:

The care of the children

  1. Parents concerned with the care of their child, or any incidents at the daycare are urged to speak with the child care provider.

Covid 19


Workers, children, parents and caregivers must not enter the workplace if they have symptoms of Covid 19 or have travelled outside Canada in the last 14 days or have been identified by public health as a close contact of a person with a confirmed case of Covid 19.

If you are experiencing fever, sore throat, diaherra, vomiting, having difficulty breathing or any other symptoms of Covid 19 please refrain from coming to the premises and self isolate or seek medical attention.


Train employees with the symptoms of Covid 19 and the protocols in place in the event that a child becomes ill at the facility.

Hygiene and Prevention Control

Workers are required to wash hands regularly throughout the day, including: