Community and Not-for-profit


Why do Community & Not-for-profit organisations need to consider insurance?

Running a not-for-profit is rewarding, but also comes with its fair share of risks. No matter what type of organisation you run, there are many ways things can go wrong, potentially bringing about significant financial difficulty.

Whether you run a childcare centre, a charity, community radio station, or a volunteering organisation, considering appropriate insurance cover to help protect you should something go wrong is an important part of safeguarding your organisation’s livelihood.

Aon can arrange several different types of insurances which have been specifically designed to suit the risks commonly faced by not-for-profit organisations. With over 35 years’ experience working with the NFP industry, and longstanding relationship with associations like Volunteering Australia, you can trust Aon to help you understand the risks organisations like yours face.

Organisations we can arrange insurance for